Basic Electronics – Course Outline [ Diploma in Electrical Engineering, BTEB ]
Course Code : 66811
Marks Distribution: T=2, P=3, C=3
Table of Contents
Basic Electronics – Course Outline
To provide the understanding skill on Electronic Components, Electronic measuring and testing equipment.
To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of semiconductor junction and to identify physically a range of semiconductor diodes.
To develop comprehensive knowledge and skill on special diodes and devices.
To develop the abilities to construct different rectifier circuits.
To provide understanding of the basic concept and principle of transistor and to identify physically a range of transistor.
To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of logic gates.
Electronic components; measuring and test equipment; color code and soldering; semiconductor; P-N junction diode; special diodes and devices; power supply; transistor; transistor amplifier; logic gates. DETAIL
1. Understand the Electronics, its components and measuring and testing equipment.
1.1 Define electronics.
1.2 Describe the scope of electronics.
1.3 Describe the active and passive components used in electronic circuits.
1.4 Define resistor, inductor and capacitor and mention the function of those in electronic circuits.
1.5 Describe the procedure of determining the value of resistor, inductor and capacitor using numeric and color code.
1.6 Describe the function of (i) Ammeter, (ii) Voltmeter, (iii) AVO meter, (iv) Function Generator, (v) Logic Probe, (vi) Semiconductor Device Tester and (vii) Oscilloscope.
2. Understand the Concept of Semiconductor used in Electronics.
2.1 Define Semiconductor.
2.2 Describe covalent bond and the effect of temperature on Semiconductor.
2.3 Explain the energy band diagram of conductor, semiconductor and insulator.
2.4 Explain the characteristics of carbon, silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide.
2.5 Describe the classification of Semiconductor.
2.6 Describe the generation & recombination of hole and electron during doping in extrinsic semiconductor.
2.7 Describe the formation of P-type & N-Type semiconductor material.
2.8 Explain the majority & minority charge carriers of P-type & N-Type Semiconductor.
3. Understand the Concept of P-N Junction Diode
3.1 Define PN junction diode
3.2 Describe the formation of depletion layer in PN junction.
3.3 Discuss potential barrier, drift & diffusion current and their physical significance.
3.4 Explain forward and reverse bias in PN junction with barrier voltage.
3.5 Mention the behavior of PN junction under forward and reverse bias.
3.6 Explain the forward and reverse Voltage-Current (VI) characteristics curve of PN junction diode.
3.7 Define (i) static resistance, (ii) dynamic resistance, (iii) forward breakdown voltage, (iv) peak inverse voltage (PIV) and (v) reverse break down voltage.
3.8 Describe the specification of PN Junction diode.
4. Understand the DC power supply.
4.1 Define dc power supply and describe its importance in electronics.
4.2 Define regulated and unregulated power supply.
4.3 Describe the operation of a typical regulated dc power supply with block diagram.
4.4 Define rectifier and rectification.
4.5 Explain the operation of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier circuit.
4.6 Determine the ripple factor, efficiency and TUF of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier.
4.7 Define filter circuit and explain the operation of capacitor, inductor-capacitor and pi (π) filter circuit.
5. Understand the Concepts of Special diode.
5.1 Define Zener Diode.
5.2 Describe the operation of Zener diode.
5.3 Explain VI characteristics of Zener diode.
5.4 Explain Zener diode as a auto-variable resistor.
5.5 Describe the application of Zener diode in (i) voltage stabilization, (ii) meter protection and (iii) peck clipper circuits.
5.6 Describe the construction, operation and application of (i) Tunnel diode, (ii) Varactor diode, (iii) Schottky diode, (iv) Step-Recovery diode, (v) PIN diode, (vi) LED, (vii) LCD, (viii) photo diode and (ix) Solar cell.
6. Understand the construction and operation of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
6.1 Define Transistor.
6.2 Describe the construction of PNP and NPN Transistor.
6.3 State the biasing rules of BJT.
6.4 Explain the mechanism of current flow of PNP and NPN Transistor.
6.5 Establish the relation among Base, Emitter and Collector current (IE = IC + IB).
6.6 Draw the three basic transistor configuration (CB, CC, CE) circuits.
6.7 Describe current amplification factor α, β and .
6.8 Establish the relation among α, β and .
6.9 Solve problem related to IE, IC, IB, α, β and
7. Understand the concept of BJT Amplifier
7.1 Define (i) amplifier, (ii) amplification and (iii) gain.
7.2 Mention the classification of amplifier.
7.3 Describe the principle of operation of a common emitter (ce) amplifier.
7.4 Draw DC & AC equivalent circuits of the CE amplifier circuit.
7.5 Mention the formula of (i) input resistance, (ii) output resistance, (iii) current gain, (iv) voltage gain and (v) power gain.
7.6 Solve problem related to different gain and resistance.
8. Understand the main feature of digital electronics
8.1 Describe the difference between analog and digital system.
8.2 State the advantage of digital system over analog system.
8.3 Define logic gate.
8.4 Describe the basic logic gates and their functions (AND gate, OR gate and NOT circuit or INVERTER).
8.5 Describe the NAND, NOR, XOR & XNOR logic gates and their functions.
8.6 Define Truth table and Prepare truth table to describe the functions of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR logic gates.
1 Show skill in identifying the electronic components.
1.1 Observe the electronic components board and read the manuals.
1.2 Identify the different types of resistor with their values, tolerance and wattage.
1.3 Identify the different types of potentiometer with their values and wattage.
1.4 Identify the different types of capacitor with their values, dc working voltages and types.
1.5 Identify the different types of diode and rectifier with the specification numbers and specifications.
1.6 Identify the different types of transistor with their specification numbers and specifications.
1.7 Identify the different types of LED’s, IC’s and miniature relays with their specification numbers and specifications.
1.8 Identify different types of transformer with their specifications.
1.9 Identify different inductors with their values and current ratings.
1.10 Study the printed circuit boards.
1.11 Sketch the symbols of components used in electronic circuits.
1.12 Describe the basic function of each component.
1.13 Write a report on above activities.
2 Show skill in electrical measurement.
2.1 Perform simple voltage and current measurements on basic series and parallel resistor circuits using the following instruments.
a) Voltmeter and ammeter.
b) AVO meter.
c) Digital multi-meter.
d) Basic CRO.
3 Show skill for determining the values of different resistors and capacitors with the help of color code.
3.1 Select color code resistors of different values.
3.2 Identify the colors and their numerical numbers.
3.3 Determine the value of resistors with tolerance.
3.4 Determine the value of capacitors and dc working voltage.
3.5 Write a report on above activities.
4 Show skill in performing soldering.
4.1 Select wires (single strand and multi strand) and cut wires to required length.
4.2 Select soldering iron, soldering tag and soldering lead.
4.3 Remove wire insulation to required length.
4.4 Clean and tin both iron and work piece.
4.5 Use a tinned iron in order to transfer adequate heat to the joint.
4.6 Joint two single-stranded wires mechanically and solder.
4.7 Joint two multi-strand wires mechanically and solder.
4.8 Perform soldering exercise for making three dimensional wire frames.
4.9 Sketch and write a report on the job.
5 Show skill in soldering & de-soldering of electronic components and wires to the other components and circuit boards.
5.1 Select electronic components, wires and PCB.
5.2 Determine the rating of the soldering iron suitable for the work piece.
5.3 Clean and tin both iron & work piece.
5.4 Feed new soldering materials to the tinned and heated joint in order to produce a correct soldering.
5.5 Check the quality of soldering.
5.6 Clean and tin iron and de-solder the joint and components.
5.7 Use solder suckers and solder braid for de-soldering.
5.8 Write a report on the Job.
6 Show skill in checking the semiconductor diode.
6.1 Collect a range of semi-conductor diodes and manufacturer’s literature.
6.2 Select the digital multi-meter and set the selector switch to ohm range.
6.3 Determine the specification of semi-conductor diode.
6.4 Compare the determined specification with that of manufacturer’s literature.
6.5 Measure forward & reverse resistances of the diode.
6.6 Identify P and N side of the diode.
6.7 Determine the condition of the diode.
7 Show skill in sketching forward and reverse characteristics curves of a semiconductor diode.
7.1 Select meter, power supply, components and materials.
7.2 Complete circuit according to circuit diagram for forward bias.
7.3 Check all connections.
7.4 Measure forward bias and corresponding forward current.
7.5 Record results in tabular form.
7.6 Connect circuit according to circuit diagram of reverse bias.
7.7 Measure reverse bias and corresponding reverse current.
7.8 Record results in tabular form.
7.9 Sketch the curves from collected data.
8 Show skill in sketching waves of half-wave rectifier circuit.
8.1 Select meter, component, oscilloscope and materials.
8.2 Complete circuit of a half wave rectifier according to the circuit diagram.
8.3 Check the circuit before operation.
8.4 Measure the input and output voltage and observe wave shapes in the oscilloscope.
8.5 Sketch the input and output voltage wave shapes.
9 Show skill in sketching waves of full-wave center tapped rectifier circuit.
9.1 Select meter, component, oscilloscope and materials.
9.2 Complete a full-wave rectifier circuit according to the circuit diagram.
9.3 Check the circuit supply & polarity of supply.
9.4 Measure the input & output voltages and observe wave shapes in the oscilloscope.
9.5 Sketch the output voltage wave shape.
9.6 Compare the result with full-wave rectifier circuit.
10 Show skill in constructing full-wave bridge rectifier.
10.1 Select meter, component, oscilloscope and materials.
10.2 Build the circuit according to the circuit diagram.
10.3 Check the circuit.
10.4 Measure the input and output voltages.
10.5 Observe wave shape.
10.6 Compare the result with other rectifiers.
11 Show skill in identifying the bipolar junction transistor.
11.1 Select PNP and NPN bipolar junction transistors.
11.2 Take DMM and manufacturer’s literature of transistor.
11.3 Identify transistor terminals.
11.4 Measure base-emitter, base-collector, forward and reverse resistance.
11.5 Determine the specifications with the help of manufacturer’s literatures.
11.6 Identify PNP and NPN transistors.
12 Show skill in determining input and output characteristics of a transistor in common emitter connection.
12.1 Select component, AVO meters, circuit board and required materials.
12.2 Complete the circuit.
12.3 Adjust the biasing voltage to appropriate point.
12.4 Record input and output voltage and current.
12.5 Plot the curve with recorded data.
13 Show skill in testing special diodes.
13.1 Select different types of special diodes.
13.2 Set the AVO meter in the ohm scale.
13.3 Measure resistances for each of two terminals.
13.4 Determine the condition (good and bad).
13.5 Determine the different terminals.
14 Verify the truth tables of different types of logic gate.
14.1 Select the specific gate.
14.2 Prepare the experimental circuit.
14.3 Adjust the power supply.
14.4 Verify the truth table.
1. A Text Book Of Applied Electronics – R.S. Sedha
2. Principles Of Electronics – V. K. Mehta
3. Basic Electronics (Solid Stater) – B. L. Theraja
4. Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory – Robert Boylestad
– Louis Nashelsky
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